
The Project includes n.2 Transnational Meetings:

  • Kick-off meeting;

  • Follow up meeting.

Transnational meetings will not exclusively serve management purposes, but will be used for the collective work of partner organisations in the development of project results; such as the curriculum, methodology and online platform.

The Project also includes n.4 Multiplier Events (one per each partner’s country).

The 3D Entrepreneurship multiplier Event will be organised in each partner country in order to present and disseminate project products and developed project activities. The goal is to promote awareness of the potential of 3D learning on levels also beyond the project and influence the direction of adult education centres. The multiplier event will be addressing local enterprises, employers and our social partners to introduce themselves to the local / regional unemployed people or those looking for internships or apprenticeships. The event will present the Curriculum and the Methodology, also information about the digital platform and information about the study case will be communicated in order to disseminate all the available materials that could be adopted by stakeholders and entrepreneurs to support trainers, researchers and unemployed people.

Moreover, n. 2 Training Activities will be implemented:

  • 3D-Tech Workshop: Staff training: it will aim at offering an intensive training course that gives the opportunity to review the material, products, process, and procedures, to be able to use them for the final training and share them on a later stage with a wide audience.

  • 3D experiential lab training: blended mobility of learners: Based on the proposal, 6 (six) learners (per country) will be joining a week-long training based on 3D learning and entrepreneurship.

Project reference number:

Copyright 2023